Maybelline Hyper Curl Review

Your eyelashes can make or break your overall look. Some like their eyelashes to be natural but some like it to be dramatic thus a product called “mascara” is made *clap clap  I’ve used this for years now and i still come back for more, why? Because is so friggin cheap! πŸ˜„

I present to you *drumroll  Maybellines Hyper Curl Volume Express Waterproof Mascara (WOOH! THAT WAS LONG 😧)
Since I’m not the type of person who goes out a lot, I wanted a product that’s available in most of the stores. I bought mine at Sm Mall of Asias department store for 149php

It came with a plastic and box cover that protects it from being damaged. The look of this mascara is a rocker chick type which is good! It’s like you can flick it right out of your purse and not get shy about what you’re using cos it looks sooooo cool!

Here’s the wand inside..


Since it’s cheap, as I always say: “Don’t expect too much” It’s not like other products who nicely covers your eyelashes with just one coat.



I had to coat my lashes many times just to achieve the look I want but it turned out fine.

Natural looking

Need to apply many times before it thickens up

If you are contented with having a natural looking eyelash then go with this one and it’s cheap so go and try it out! πŸ™‚

Hope you liked my review! Till next time!!
XoXo-MakeupEnthusiast πŸ’‹

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