Daiso: Makeup Brush Cleaner Review

I thought dishwashing liquid is enough to clean my brush but I stand corrected. Presenting! Daiso’s Makeup brush cleaner! Like their other products available, it is 88php only *happy dance

It is advisable to wash your brushes once a week to avoid break outs



Directions below:




Put an average amount of product in a container and dip your brushes. OH THE HORRIFIC SMELL!! It smells like chemical but it’s quite tolerable




Get your dirty brush then swirl it around your palm. It well get all soapy as it cleanses your beloved brush πŸ’œ




When satisfied; rinse the soapy brush with running water repeating the swirling motions. I cleaned my paddle brush too which needs two times of your attention because the bristles are so packed and small that the dirt can’t be easily washed off.

Cleanses thoroughly

The smell
Sometimes out of stock

Will I buy again? Hell yeah!!

What and how do you clean your brush? πŸ™‚



I was going to upload the clean photos of my brushes but unfortunately wordpress is not cooperating right now.. Haayyy :((
Till next time!!
XoXo-MakeupEnthusiast πŸ’‹

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